Please join us on Saturday Nov, 20th at 11:30am as we come together to enjoy reflecting on past memories and seasons that you have shared with each other and expressing how grateful you are for the journey you’ve been on together?
Showing gratitude can strengthen and protect your marriage, so during this event we will cover the below:
1. How to say Thank You and express gratitude to your spouse2. The benefits of expressing gratitude and being thankful3. Being a responsive partner.4. Remember to say “thank you” for even the small things.
Our anchor scripture will be 1 Peter 4:8
WE look forward to you joining us and celebrating how thankful we are for each other.
Topic: New Direction Marriage Ministry Event
Time: Nov 20, 2021 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Sabrina M.2 Corinthians 5:7